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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> November 2006 > pbase Old Residence Salzburg Austria - Raining.jpg
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pbase Old Residence Salzburg Austria - Raining.jpg

Rainy day in Salzburg, Austira...

David in front of the Old Residence during the rain..

Sorry, not a great day for taking pictures..

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX01
1/30s f/2.8 at 4.6mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 16-Nov-2006 05:05
I like the captured motion. Perfect shot for a rainy day.
Greg Harp14-Nov-2006 22:03
Great shot, terrific candid.
mollyb 13-Nov-2006 12:48
David's playfulness makes a great juxtaposition to the gold statue behind him.
Guest 13-Nov-2006 09:33
this one is kinda fun.
Bryan Ramsay13-Nov-2006 03:31
Nice shot! I does look a little wet! -BJ
optimist12-Nov-2006 20:52
So this is what it's like to travel Europe in autumn...
Jackdad12-Nov-2006 18:21
LOL Time to get under cover!
Guest 12-Nov-2006 18:18
I love this! The color and movement make for a wonderfully fun and interesting shot.