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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> November 2006 > pbase Pear Version 2 for Something foody November 16 2006.jpg
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pbase Pear Version 2 for Something foody November 16 2006.jpg

For the Thursday Transglobal Informal Challenge, "Something Foody"

Last days in Salzburg prior to returning home for a long time!

Best of Salzburg:


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Guest 18-Nov-2006 03:14
Very nice!
Guest 17-Nov-2006 13:06
I love the sweet firm flesh of the bosc pears. Yumm! All I ever seem to find at the grocers are anjus or bartletts.
Dave Wixx17-Nov-2006 13:01
Nice pair, I mean pear!!
shatterbug17-Nov-2006 07:12
Beautiful tones!
The Third Side17-Nov-2006 03:58
That's what I call a nice pear.
Guest 17-Nov-2006 02:09
Love the warm tones.
Cindi Smith17-Nov-2006 00:26
Great pear! Looks good enough to eat now!
J. Scott Coile16-Nov-2006 22:26
Super lighting!
Guest 16-Nov-2006 22:11
Ready for eating, nice light !
Ian York16-Nov-2006 21:50
I like this
Guest 16-Nov-2006 21:35
shhhh, don't wake it up!

nice DOF....
laine8216-Nov-2006 20:23
Gorgeous them
Carole Stevens16-Nov-2006 20:17
Nicely fruity, delicate lighting lovely!
Guest 16-Nov-2006 20:14
Great entry for the challange...v
JSWaters16-Nov-2006 19:53
Beautiful ripe, golden tones. Had one of these this morning - delicious!
Bill Ewart Jr16-Nov-2006 19:47
still life at it's ripest!!!!
Jola Dziubinska16-Nov-2006 18:04
And wonderful DoF.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography16-Nov-2006 18:01
Excellent shot :)
beverley harrison16-Nov-2006 17:56
gorgeous tones!!
Nicki Thurgar16-Nov-2006 17:03
Beautifully shot, great entry!
Jackdad16-Nov-2006 16:49
If I was shooting that pear, there would be more than one bite out of it! More like just a core there. :-) Like the mellow lighting.
Katie Chew16-Nov-2006 16:00
Looks good
Greg Harp16-Nov-2006 15:57
Magnificent work. GMV
royalld16-Nov-2006 15:39
If I had to shoot that pear, there would probably already be a bite taken out of it.
I have been enjoying your great pictures from Austria for the past week or so.
Michael Shpuntov16-Nov-2006 14:59
These are my favorite pears. Very nice soft and sweet image.
Chris16-Nov-2006 12:55
Looks good enough to eat! Chris
mollyb 16-Nov-2006 12:47
You'll be replacing the oh too typical dining room oil on canvas depiction of fruit in no time!
Linda Willets16-Nov-2006 12:29
Guest 16-Nov-2006 11:54
very sensual - nice image
Eckhart Derschmidt16-Nov-2006 11:07
Very healthy! (great colours too)
Sheila16-Nov-2006 08:46
The pear looks delicious.
Dan Chusid16-Nov-2006 06:16
I think it's ripe!
Barbara Heide16-Nov-2006 05:49
beautiful pear
Wei O'Connell16-Nov-2006 05:29
Great shot. Beautiful tones.
shatterbug16-Nov-2006 05:10
Nice gold tones!
Guest 16-Nov-2006 05:04
Nice series of shots. And, I like the pear.